Friday, March 16, 2007

Just a short thought...

One thing that will be very important during this next election and the years surrounding it are the changes in party politics. I think that the Democrats and Republicans are becoming far too moderate and if they continue, may as well merge. Knowing this will not be the case I believe that the platforms of the two main parties will be seeing some huge changes within these next few years. I also think that third parties will have a great deal to do with this, these third parties should be fighting hard this election to win support and votes for their issues to persuade the Democrats and Republicans to endorse the issue. Could there be an emergence of a new party? Could the lines of the Democrats and Republicans drastically change? I think so, and it should be fun to watch.


Anonymous said...

Yea! A gay blog from CofC! Thank you, thank you!

I'm a lesbian with a 17 year old daughter. I grew up in Charleston and last weekend we took my daughter to a CofC preview... she was not super impressed, the touristy-ness threw her off. Everything looked too "white bread and vanilla" to her.

Just knowing there's at least one out gay blogger will help her relax a little and reconsider CofC, I think.

Nick Shalosky said...

Thank you for all your support denise please come back to my blog often and leave comments. Thanks Again!