Thursday, March 15, 2007

John McCain in Conway South Carolina

I attended a Waccamaw Republican's Club meeting last Saturday where Senator John McCain was the speaker. I thought I would just share a few things that he said with everyone. First of all, when talking about his position about the war in Iraq he stated that "we will never surrender, they will," that is if he becomes President. He also talked about how he approved of the "new strategy" in Iraq from our new general. He also took the opportunity to bash the Democrats in Congress by saying that they didn't support the troops and knew this because of the non-binding resolution that the Democrats presented. He said that because the Democrats didn't support the mission they didn't support the troops. This was followed by a boisterous applause by the audience. I didn't feel as though it was applause worthy at all. During a question and answer period Senator McCain was asked about his contrast with Rudy Giulliani on the issue of the social agenda. McCain replied that one must view his "conservative record" on all issues "social and fiscal" and that he would stay the same. He immediately changed the subject while in the presence of this ultra-conservative audience. Another person expressed his concern with environmental policy and asked McCain what would he do to improve the environment. McCain responded by saying "I do believe in climate change, but I don't think America should alter its economy" due to the change. Does this sound environmentally friendly? I will give him credit for talking about implementing more nuclear power such as the Savannah River Site in SC, but as for everything else I was left unimpressed.

After the speech, I disguised myself as a Republican (as painful for me as it would be for you) and asked McCain to take a picture with me for my goal to meet every major candidate.

I then met Henry McMaster, the SC Attorney General. Let's just say I enjoyed Mr. McMaster more than Mr. McCain.

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Anonymous said...

Henry McMaster was the primary sponsor of the "Family Discrimination Amendment" in the last election cycle. He probably wouldn't have been willing to stand next to you had you told him that you were a gay democrat.

As far as I'm concerned, he should be target number one for the Democrats. That kind of bigotry and homophobia is unsettling in the attorney general's office.

Nick Shalosky said...

wow I actually didn't know that....although Henry McMaster is very conservative he has done some good things such as cracking down on dog fighting. Which is also something I care about. Maybe not great on that issue but is good on some...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're not likely to find more anti-gay positions from a SC politician than McMaster.

By the way, Republicans wear their collars in.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love your Republican disguise. So when did you jump in the phone booth to change into your superhero costume and put a stop to the whole thing?

Nick Shalosky said...

Well, as you all know, it is a very difficult thing for me to do (being a Republican).