Thursday, July 5, 2007

Youtube Debate

The first ever presidential debate to be completely composed citizens' questions will be held this month at the Citadel. The Democratic Party debate held on July 23rd will be moderated by Anderson Cooper, but will be guided by the questions submitted to YouTube. I am currently working on submitting questions regarding gay rights to YouTube to be considered for the debate. As most of you know, tickets to this debate are going to be very hard to come by, the the Chairwoman of the Democratic Party, Carol Fowler, noted that her best advice for getting tickets to the debate was "Good Luck." Many campaigns will be hosting parties around the city of Charleston and around the nation. Because this debate is being held at the Citadel, I believe that it would be an ideal location for candidates to be drilled (pardon my pun) on their stance on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". I also think it would be a good idea to get a group of LGBT supporters to be organized and represented in the media for the debate. Let me know if anyone would be willing to host a LGBT Debate Party. I'm sure it would be a ton of fun so let me know what you think!

Oh and if Anderson Cooper isn't enough incentive for watching the debate with a group of gay supporters, I don't know what is?

1 comment:

domma said...

Do you have information on campaign parties? I might be in town to attend the debate itself, and I'd love to know of post-debate campaign parties.